- Increase Brand recognition for 4 Brands of DHG Pharma and support to increase sales amid fierce competition in the pharmaceutical industry
- Become a Media Visibility supplier for DHG Pharma
- Coordinate with Strategy & Creative Agency to produce Media & Implementation plan, which not only meet the needs of DHG Pharma but also support to spread out the assets that partners implement

- We totally understand every single format and creative ads from these requirement platforms to optimize the buying method, format ads to achieve the KPI.
- Keep maintaining and advise Brand team to select the right media format to reach out user and make them keep in mind the Brand Name

Reach75%facebook TA pools
Average70%view rate
Achieve110%campaign KPIs
Beside we achieve more results
58Mtotal impression
11Mviews with view rate 58%
8.746.949unique reaches
45%audiences pools with frequency 3.64